The Berkeley Activist's Calendar, March 1-8
h There is a lot of information in the weekly summary of meetings, the introduction is given as a guide to meetings with items of high interest or potential high impact. Those meetings have a double **. The best opportunity for input is at the City Council policy committees and key Boards and Commissions
Worth Noting and Showing Up:
- Super Tuesday March 3 California Primary Day: - Polls open 7 am and close at 8 pm,
- Wednesday: Planning Commission is conducting a public hearing on eliminating off-street parking minimum requirements for multi-unit buildings.
- Thursday: morning – Council Land Use Committee TOPA (Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act,) afternoon – Council FITS Policy Committee phase out of sale of (new) gas/diesel/natural gas powered passenger vehicles, evening – Housing Advisory Commission
- Sunday – March 8 – Daylight Savings begins
The agenda for the March 10 City Council meeting is available for comment to Council and follows the list of meetings.
Sunday, March 1, 2020 -more-