
Mel Martynn is no longer with us:
Ode to an outstanding Berkeley resident

Jane Stillwater
Friday February 17, 2023 - 02:33:00 PM

On January 4, 2023, long-standing Berkeley resident Mel Martynn died unexpectedly after suffering a stroke. Not only was Mel an outstanding resident of Berkeley, he was also an outstanding resident of Savo Island Cooperatives Homes, Inc. and I had the pleasure of living next door to him for several decades.  

Mel’s professional achievements were many. For instance as a teacher here, taught thousands of both children and adults while employed by the Berkeley Unified School District – working there right up until his dying day. It is his personal achievements, however, that will cause all of us who knew him to miss him so very much. Mel was a kind, giving and idealistic man. 

Everyone here at Savo Island remembers him as our board President for over two decades, conducting board meetings with fairness and patience. In addition, every month, rain or shine, he would deliver meeting notices to each of our doors -- and he always had a kind word to say for each and every resident. 

I first met Mel when I moved in next door to him back in 1979. He was the perfect neighbor! Kind, considerate and always helpful, he took his two sons, Dan and Erik, my children (and all of Savo’s other children too) ice skating at what is now the wonderful Sports Basement, and he also took them on field trips to parks, swimming pools and baseball games. Even my cranky cat liked Mel! Almost everyone here at Savo loved and respected him. Good grief, we will miss Mel Martynn. 

Something else that many people didn’t know about Mel was that he was also a journalist. “Hey, Jane,” he would say, “Here’s my latest column in the Berkeley Times.” In his column for the Times, Mel reviewed books, movies, symphony performances and any other media events that caught his eye.  

Todd Kerr, editor of the Berkeley Times, has this to say about Mel: “From 2014 until his death, Mel Martynn was a regular contributor to Berkeley Times. His column was titled Mel on Media. His articles examined all sorts of media and his laser focus was on how each bit related to some current event. Each column was an opportunity for Mel to reflect on recent history, especially politics and union organizing, and display his amazing knowledge of our times and compassion for the common person.” Mel also wrote for the Berkeley Daily Planet

Councilman Ben Bartlett and Rent Stabilization Board member James Chang are now working on issuing a Proclamation in honor of Mel’s life of service. So far, here are just some of the professional achievements that were his: 

Area Vice President for the Berkeley Federation of Teachers 

Adult Education Committee representing the Berkeley Federation of Teachers, California Federation of Teachers. "The Adult Education Committee advocates for those CFT members involved in adult education, participates in state, federal, and organizational initiatives advancing their status and promotes access to high-quality adult education." 

ESL teacher at the Berkeley Adult School 

President of Savo Island Cooperative Homes, Inc. for over two decades including supervision of the apartment complex's 2012 total re-hab project. 

Represented the Berkeley Unified School District on the César Chávez Dolores Huerta Commemorative Committee 

Columnist, Berkeley Daily Planet 

Columnist, Berkeley Times 

Represented south Berkeley residents on the City of Berkeley's South Shattuck Strategic Plan committee 

Member, California Federation of Teachers’ Labor in the Schools Committee 

World traveler, visiting countries all over the globe 

Teacher, Emerson School, Berkeley Unified School District 

Staff member of the Public Affairs Department, Radio Station KPFA 

Attended St. Josephs College High School in Philadelphia PA 

Member, Berkeley Citizens Action