Public Comment

Soylent Green

Jack Bragen
Wednesday January 11, 2023 - 02:02:00 PM

A 1973 movie, Soylent Green, starring Charlton Heston, was science fiction that projected a dystopic future including the "Greenhouse Effect," which is global warming, plus out-of-control overpopulation, and the death and putrefaction of Earth's oceans. Sound familiar? Science has known about global warming and the threat to the oceans since the 1970's and before. The movie was based on a 1966 novel by author Harry Harrison, called "Make Room, Make Room." 

Yet, even though science has known this would happen for more than fifty years, nothing has been done until now--and by now it may be too late. 

The big oil and fossil fuel producers have known about this. They're not stupid. The problem of fossil fuels, to explain it, is that hydrocarbons are taken from the earth's crust and introduced into the atmosphere. The fossil fuels were deposited in the ground for hundreds of millions of years by plant life. 

This might cause Earth's climate to change to resemble how it was in prehistoric times before plant life deposited the material in the ground. But really, we face something unpredictable, because no one can predict the outcome of reintroducing the hydrocarbons. 

This is a matter of top executives of energy conglomerates fattening their thick wallets with more and more money, with a complete disregard for what it does to future generations. They should remember that their grandchildren will have to live with the outcome of this.