
THE PUBLIC EYE: Harris-Biden: Keeping Score

Bob Burnett
Saturday October 10, 2020 - 02:32:00 PM

After the dreadful initial 2020 presidential debate, there were some who called for the debates to cease. That would have been a mistake because the second debate, a vice-presidential tussle between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, was productive. It resulted in a win for Senator Harris and further momentum for the Biden-Harris campaign. -more-

ON MENTAL ILLNESS: Not Being Heard/ Being Invalidated

Jack Bragen
Saturday October 10, 2020 - 02:08:00 PM

As people with mental illness, we are not afforded basic respect. Our words aren't taken as valid, aren't believed, and are dismissed as nonsense and a product of defective minds. Our express desires and needs are often ignored--or worse, are used as part of their material for your clinical assessment. This is not precisely the same thing as "not taking us seriously." It is more a circumstance in which no one accepts what we are telling them in the manner we intend. And this is worse. -more-

ECLECTIC RANT: Trump, Our Virus Super-Spreader-in-Chief

Ralph E. Stone
Saturday October 10, 2020 - 01:55:00 PM

Our virus super-spreader president prematurely left the Walter Reed medical center. Although infected with the virus, he shed his mask before entering the White House. Trump is being treated with an experimental drug cocktail along with other drugs indicating that Trumps condition is more serious than the White House and his physicians admit. -more-

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces

Gar Smith
Saturday October 10, 2020 - 01:59:00 PM

A Scary Scenario: Trump Takes His Medicine

What can be sicker than Donald the Trump

Unmasked, mocking Covid while huffing for air?

Flouting his fits, calling Fauci a chump

Waving to unmasked supporters, I swear!

What can be worse than this egotist's chants

Far worse than militias of Trump-loving androids?

There's only one spectacle worse than Trump's rants:

Watch out everybody, it's Don Trump on Steroids!

The Nobel (Kinda, Sorta) Peace Prize

On October 9, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize would be awarded to the United Nations' World Food Program, which provides life-saving nutrition to people in more than 80 nations around the world.

Donald Trump responded to the news by claiming that his failure to win the prestigious award was proof that the selection process was "rigged." (Not satire! True!) -more-