Public Comment
Stable Genius Unravelling?
The White House coronavirus medical team were aghast at Trump’s medical musing on disinfectants. He has become a global laughing stock and the widespread ridicule has clearly bruised his fragile ego. He withdrew sulking but was back a few days later, snarling at reporters and deflecting embarrassing questions of disinfectants claiming that he was being “sarcastic.” Scarce medical resources were squandered warning Americans of the dangers of ingesting disinfectants.
Instead of denouncing his comments leading Republicans like Sen. McConnell chose to drink his Kool-Aid and remain silent. His servile “Christian” VP Pence gazed loving towards his boss gushing at his “incredible leadership”. Trump has never been a paradigm of calmness or competence but has become more and more erratic and irritable lashing out at reporters. His misspelling of (Noble instead of NOBEL) is only his latest assault on the English language. He blasted at a NYT article which accused him of spending his days eating junk food and watching TV.
He tweeted that he does not eat hambergers (misspelled). His previous attempt was “hamberders”. Trump would be star performer in a misspelling BEE contest.
The only people deserving more public ridicule are his “basket full of sycophant deplorables” including FOX News who applaud his incoherent ramblings.
It is baffling why Trump has stubbornly refused to release his “amazing” school and college transcripts or his tax returns to prove he was an academic superstar and a successful businessman. Is the “very stable genius” beginning to unravel? For more go to,