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Updated: ASUC Votes to Support Freebox

Carol Denney
Sunday May 05, 2019 - 05:05:00 PM
U.C. operatives demolish the Free Box.
Lisa Teague
U.C. operatives demolish the Free Box.
Where the Free Box used to be.
Lisa Teague
Where the Free Box used to be.

UPDATE: UC took out the freebox early this morning despite the unanimous resolution of support for it by the ASUC.

The Association Students of the University of California (ASUC) voted unanimously Wednesday, May 1, 2019, to support the freshly built freebox recreated at the April 28th concert in celebration of People's Park's 50th Anniversary by passing both a letter of support and a unanimous resolution to "affirm the establishment and continued existence of the People's Park Freebox." 


The new freebox is about twelve feet tall and stands between the driveway and the basketball court. It was designed by park volunteers who included shelves so that articles of clothing can be neatly folded in stacks of pants, shirts, etc. A volunteer painting crew was planning murals on the back and touching up designs on the front and sides on a sunny Friday. 

"We're calling it the Freeshack," said one volunteer. "It's a little bigger than the old boxes." The Berkeley City Council will have a resolution supporting People's Park on its agenda from the Peace and Justice Commission coming up on Tuesday, May 14th, 2019.