Public Comment
WRITING AGAINST THE ODDS: 3rd Grade Distanced Learning Opinion Pieces (8 and 9 years old) Rosa Parks Elementary
Dear Editor,
Covid-19 is forcing people to work from home that normally wouldn't. When we get past this crisis, I want to encourage people to continue to work from home if possible. There are several advantages, as we have begun to notice.
For example, working from home helps the planet because you don’t have to drive to an office. And that means less commuting. Less cars on the road will cut down on pollution.
Since you’re not commuting, you can sleep in and you get to spend more time with your family. You can also get chores done and spend more time doing things that you want to do.
On the other hand, some people might say that they can’t work from home because they have a job that doesn’t let them work at home. For example, people who work at a grocery store or at a zoo. But even if they can’t work from home, they can still use BART instead of driving, which causes less pollution. We can also take car pools or a bus. You can even bike if it’s close enough.
Overall I think that we should work at home and not drive as much because then we can make the world healthier.
Thurston Dearborn Kotomori,
Dear Editor,
As of May 23, 2020 there have almost been 100,000 deaths of coronavirus in the United States. Social distancing could have reduced this number. California was the first to try to flatten the curve through social distancing thanks to Governor Newsom. Everyone should take social distancing seriously to save lives.
The virus spreads quickly without social distancing. A care center outbreak led to more than 1,000 cases across Washington state. If we don’t social distance, all the hospitals will run out of space for treating sick people.
You can help save lives by staying 6 feet apart from others if you have to go out of your house. Otherwise, stay home to protect your family and community. Another example is wear a face mask if you are sick so you don’t get the virus and spread it and can’t stay six feet away from strangers.
Without social distancing, the virus could get much worse. Movie theaters and other places could close for 12 months or more if you don’t follow the rules of social distancing. People have already lost their jobs and money to buy food and other important stuff. There is a chance that if we have social distancing, less people will get infected so we will be able to go back to work sooner and less people will lose their jobs.
Please take social distancing seriously to save as many lives in this world as possible!
Jai G.
Citizens of Berkeley, listen to me! We have a problem, we need to clean up the trash. Littering is a crime. We all share this environment and people who litter affect everyone. I am focusing right now on plastic and its various deadly forms.
This fact might make you cry. One in three Leatherback Sea Turtles have been found with plastic in their stomachs. They think plastic bags are jellyfish and eat them. Most choke and die while others become deformed.
Plastic rings are the second deadly form. Birds come down to catch fish, instead they get tangled in plastic rings and often die. Their necks get tangled and it cuts off the blood circulation and their ability to breathe.
If we don’t work as a team our world will become a garbage patch just like the one in the Pacific Ocean that contains 3.5 million tons of trash. Animals will perish, plants will disappear. Which means no oxygen, no pollinators and most importantly no hope.
The time is NOW to clean up trash. Stop buying plastic bags and reuse what you currently have. Pick up the next candy wrapper you see! Thank you for your time.
Matiz Girard Maxon
Dear Editor,
I am writing to you about litter and why we should clean it up. The first reason is you can get confused about what is nature and what isn't. Say it's a chicken bone but you think it's a stick and you accidently touch it. Then if the person that littered it was sick, when you touch the bone, you’ll get their germs from the chicken. Later if chew your nails, for instance, you could get sick. That's why we shouldn't litter and why it is so gross.
Another reason littering is a bad choice is that it can fly away and end up in storm drains and the ocean. Litter that finds its way into the sea can harm fish, sharks, whales, crabs, dolphins, and many more creatures. Litter can also harm animals in forests, ponds, lakes and cities. So next time you see litter, don't think twice about picking it up. After all you could be saving the life of an animal, or a species.
The last reason is, litter doesn't belong in Berkeley and we all deserve to live in a clean and safe community. I propose the following solution. We can make a club called the city of Berkeley’s Cleaning Club. This cleaning club could be for kids and there could be one for grown ups too. Members could pick up the trash and clean everything. We can ask tax payers to fund this club and it can provide more trash cans and trash pickup for Berkeley. I hope this persuaded you to think more about littering and the actual harm it can cause to everyone. Now in this time of coronavirus, it is especially important to clean up our community!
Selen G.
Dear Editor,
We urgently need to stop global warming! We can help do this in two easy steps: driving less and considering being vegetarian. This will benefit humans. My first solution is to drive less. If everyone does that, it will improve the ozone layer. There would be less gas emissions, and consequently less global warming. We would all get more exercise and become healthier. We would be happier because we could spend time with our family and friends on these walks or bike rides. Additionally, it is proven that exercise improves mental health.
I know you might be thinking, but what about coronavirus when you're on a walk? but when you go on a walk you can do six feet of distance.
Yet another way to stop global warming is to consider being vegetarian. Cows are mass produced and they have gasses that come out of their bodies that aggravates global warming. Also it would reduce the plastic packaging of meat. Plastic is made from petroleum products which contribute to global warming. In addition, cows create landfill. In the Atlantic Magazine August 11, 2012 it was stated, “About 60 percent bones, tendons, blood, and plasma -becomes abbattor waste and, as such, has to be either recycled or disposed of.”
In conclusion, these are the two ways to pollute less to stop global warming. Drive less, and consider being vegetarian. Thank you for your consideration and time.
Charlie Vix
Dear Editor,
Since you studied Finance at University of California Berkeley you would be interested to read this article. I think if we could have a living wage, it would be better for people in the USA. Some people have more money than others, so the living wage would help a lot to the not rich people.
Everything is expensive in the Bay Area: rent, food, health care, companion pets and toys. If you break your arm, and don't have enough money to buy health care, that is bad. Also, companion pets are very expensive. Could you imagine someone looking at the gloomy sky and not having a cute friend to play or cuddle with? That is very sad.
Tragically, toys are also expensive in the Bay Area. High quality toys are more expensive than cheap toys, but most kids want high quality toys so they last longer and work better.
The food is really expensive to buy as well, especially at restaurants. Sometimes people have a tiring day and they don't want to cook. They try to go out to eat but it is too expensive, so they don't go out and have an unhappy day.
What if somebody doesn't have money to buy food, health care, pets and toys which are very expensive in the Bay Area? A living wage would help people buy things they need.
That's why we should have a living wage.
Sophia Humnicky
Dear Congresswoman Barbara Lee,
I would like to bring a very serious issue affecting California to your attention. It is very important that we stop deforestation in California. Deforestation is when people cut down or permanently demolish all the trees in forests. There are severalreasons why cutting down trees is very bad for our environment.
One reason is that people need oxygen to live and breathe. Cutting down trees reduces the amount of oxygen in our world little by little. Also, trees filter out dangerous carbon dioxide. So with fewer trees, there would be more carbon dioxide in the air.
Another reason is that deforestation causes animals to lose their homes. Most animals, such as monkeys, snakes, birds, and bats can live in trees. It is very important that animals can have their habitat because if they don’t they will come to cities and spread diseases and dangerous viruses to other animals and humans.
In California, there are several places where deforestation occurs: the coastal redwoods and the Sierra Nevadas. Tree poachers cut off parts of redwood trees. This causes tree infections and can also increase the chances of wildfires. Many trees have been destroyed in fires in the Sierra Nevada region, which results in habitat loss for many innocent animals.
Congresswoman. Lee, I hope you can help fix some of these problems in our great state. Thank you very much. It would really improve the environment.
Eli Kaldis
Dear Editor,
I think that we live in a beautiful world but if we keep making and using plastic, it won’t stay that way forever! The theme of this piece is to think about how plastic affects the world and animals.
Did you know that every day tons of plastic goes into the ocean? This is bad for all marine life! You can read more about this here! For example, if sea turtles get a rubber band stuck on their shell when they are babies they can grow up deformed, compressed by the band, and never get the band off by themselves. So if you ever see a turtle with a rubber band on their shell, please take it off them! One more fact is that Turtles can mistake thin plastic bags for jellyfish and die! R.I.P. TURTLES WHO ATE PLASTIC BAGS! Other things made of plastic, like water bottles, end up in the ocean and sharks like to eat those and it makes them sick.
Maybe we need to stop selling plastic bottles just like plastic bags? Maybe we could give reusable bags and metal water bottles away to everyone. Some people might want plastic so they can have fun toys like Legos, remote control cars and other things, but you can have fun with things not made of plastic.
I think that we should stop making plastic so the world can be a much better place! And remember to never throw plastic in the ocean!
Sebastian King
Dear Editor,
I want the planet to be healthy just like how you eat healthy foods to get strong. Unfortunately, people don’t understand how littering is bad for the environment. For example, when they can’t find a garbage can, they litter. I’d like to help them think about caring for the environment.
What people don’t realize is that when they litter, it can end up in the ocean and animals can get hurt or sick from trash. Once I was bbat the beach with my family and I saw a dead seal with a scar with a piece of rusty metal, like from a metal can, sticking up out of the cut. Littering can kill animals.
When animals die, their families miss them. Not only is that sad, but these animals don’t get to be in the world. They will also miss out on all the cool things they would otherwise get to do. Animals have a right to live a happy and healthy life too!
I know that your readers are dealing with COVID but when they have a free moment, I’m asking them to consider a few easy ways to help:
- Put up more trash cans so people don't just throw trash on the ground.
- Put more signs up that explain how littering harms animals and the planet.
- Publish more stories about saving animals and the planet on the internet or in newspapers (and sell them at a cheaper price) so that everyone can learn about it.
Addison Newbold
Dear Editor,
I just realized something: global warming is still not resolved! If we don't act soon to stop global warming, who knows what will happen? Here are some reasons and solutions for this problem:
First of all, greenhouse gases are gases like CO2 that absorb heat in the atmosphere near the earth's surface and prevent them from escaping. This causes global warming. There are two major contributors to CO2 that cause global warming.
One of the major contributors are cars, which have what’s called polluting oil that gives off CO2 causing global warming. Cars are bad for the environment due to poor fuel. A solution is starting to use electric cars more often and making them cost less money.
A second contributor is smoke stacks. Smoke stacks often cause air pollution by emitting noxious gases that include carbon dioxide: our enemy. “Taller stacks reduce the impact of pollutants on the local area by spreading the released pollutants over larger areas” says a trusted website. Go to this or this for some solutions! If we use renewable energy, switch fuel, etc. we can reduce greenhouse gases!
Please try and use some of my solutions to stop this crisis! Here is one other website you should read about just to be sure! Show you care by putting this letter or this subject in your newspaper.
Lila Schmitz
Dear Editor,
I think Berkeley’s bike lanes should be painted a bright color, like Oakland’s, to make cyclists safer. One reason is that cars don’t seem to see the bike lanes very well. Drivers go into the bike lanes a lot and nearly hit cyclists. For example, one morning my dad and I were riding our bikes to school and were at the intersection of 9th and University. When the light turned red there was a car that drove into the bike lane and around the corner. We did not get hit but there was another cyclist who almost did.
Another reason is that sometimes people on bicycles can’t see the bike lanes because the paint is old and worn off. The lanes get crowded and so cyclists move into the busy street. A couple of weeks ago, there was a line of bikes that was six feet apart so the bike lane seemed as crowded and busy as the streets. The biker at the front of the line suddenly went into what he thought was the side of the bike lane, but was actually the street. Because of that, everyone else followed him. If the lanes were painted a bright color, people would not accidentally go out of the bike lane where they might get hit.
For these reasons, I believe the bike lanes should be painted a bright color like in Oakland.
Dear Editor,
Isn't the ocean fascinating with all of the species of creatures living in it? I feel passionate about these sea creatures and the water they live in, which is why I want to help stop the pollution of our ocean. I'm hoping that you can help me keep our ocean clean.
One way trash gets in the ocean is by littering. People who throw trash on the ground or near rivers that lead into the ocean all contribute to the pollution. Sometimes people at the beach will leave trash behind. If we want to continue to enjoy our beautiful oceans, we have to respect our environment by not littering.
There is also a large island of trash floating in our ocean. Ocean trash is made of mostly plastic that can take up to 1,000 years to fully break down. These plastics in the ocean pose a big threat to humans and wildlife.
One way that plastic is harmful for wildlife is that plastic washes up on the shore and seagulls eat the plastic and get sick or can die. Other wildlife like whales, sea turtles, and fish might mistake plastic for food. Plastic can get stuck in animals’ throats and stomachs causing things like choking hazards or not being able to eat. So in order to keep our ocean clean and the animals that live in it healthy, we all need to play our part.
I know a lot of people might like to use plastic products, but if we keep using so much plastic then the ocean, the environment, and all living beings on this planet, will suffer. The good thing is we can all play our part by using less plastic products, picking up garbage from beaches, and using reusable water bottles, containers and shopping bags. We can also help by spreading the word and educating others.
Sophia Schevon
Dear Editor,
You probably know that plastic ends up in the oceans, beaches and other places. But this problem is worse than it seems. Many disasters will happen to our world if we don't stop this dilemma soon.
Animals are eating plastic and being harmed by it, they also get hurt by it in other ways too! Oceans and land get polluted by it. What if I told you it's harming you too? Animals eat plastic and some people eat animals meaning that people end up eating plastic. Also, don't you love swimming at the beach? However, if this plastic problem is keeps increasing, when you try to get up from a dive you will be covered in plastic because of the amount of plastic on the surface of water.
How is it harming the world? Plastic ends up in oceans, on beaches, and on land. In addition to that, animals mistake it for food. For example a sea turtle may mistake a plastic bag for a jellyfish because of the shape the plastic bag makes when floating in water. Now that I have explained to you what plastic does to our world, we will move on to the part of stopping this dilemma.
The first solution is that we could use compostable items such as straws, forks, spoons and much more. For example, Peet's coffee usually uses compostable straws instead of plastic ones. On the other hand, Starbucks rarely uses compostable utensils. Also, if you don't use silverware and use plastic utensils, maybe you could try to use compostable utensils as a better option.
The second solution is that you could use reusable items. For example instead of plastic water bottles you could use a non plastic water bottle and refill it. Non plastic reusable bags are a better choice than plastic bags too. Reusing items is more efficient for the environment. For example, let's say you bought some jam in a plastic jar. You finish the jar of jam and are about to throw it away but it's a sturdy jar you could take off the label and store stuff inside it. You can also reuse plastic items to make art.
In my opinion this solution is the easiest. There is a browser called Ocean Hero. Here's how it works. Ocean Hero is a search engine and recovers one ocean-bound plastic bottle for every 5 searches you do on it. It uses the money it gets from being a search engine to save our oceans from plastic. Plus, it’s much more fun than a regular search engine because in the right corner there is a little box that has a plastic bottle with a x on it and tells you how many plastic things you've stopped from going into the ocean. Also you can change it to ocean mode where the background of the search engine is a ocean. That's the link for you.
Here is a list of a few easy things you can do to help!
1. Get used to not using disposable plastic.
2. Do not use plastic bottled water
3. Reuse your plastic waste
4. Keep reusable shopping bags with you when out shopping, and use less single-use plastic bags
5. Reuse your “disposable” bags
6. Carry your water bottle everywhere
7. Use jars for leftovers and storage if sturdy
8. Buy in bulk when you can (Do not use the plastic bags they offer. Bring your own jar or non plastic bag from home and fill it.)
9. You can refill your plastic water instead of throwing it away.
Just keep in mind that there are many more ways that you can help with this problem; for example going to the beach and picking up plastic. Hopefully after reading this paper you can help this global crisis stop. Maybe now you’ll think twice about using plastic.
Maryam Sabri