Flash: Berkeley City Council Plans Special Meeting about COVID19 Response
Worth Noting:
A special City Council meeting in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is scheduled for March 17, 2020 at 6 pm. The meeting can be viewed via live webcast https://www.cityofberkeley.info/Clerk/City_Council/City_Council__Agenda_Index.aspx
All other Berkeley City meetings and events have been cancelled.
The Shelter in Place (stay inside) order for all residents (except those providing essential services) begins March 17, 12:01 am and lasts through April 7 and includes Alameda, San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Marin, and Contra Costa Counties.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Berkeley City Council Special Meeting, Tuesday, March 17, 6:00 pm, 1231 Addison Street, BUSD Board Room, Agenda - Action: 1. Adopt Resolution ratifying the recommendations issued by the Director of Emergency Services and Public Health Officer regarding meetings of legislative bodies in response to COVID-19 pandemic. 2. Urgency Ordinance – COVID-19 Emergency Response Ordinance to provide protections to residential tenants against evictions during the declared state of emergency to preserve the health and safety of the Berkeley Community, 3. Berkeley COVID-19 Relief Fund and Expanding Flexible Housing Pool, Refer to City Manager to consider the creation of tax-exempt special fund at up to $3 million to provide gap resources which to be matched with grants or philanthropic donations to provide gap assistance to renters, small businesses and arts organizations significantly impacted by COVID-19 state of emergency, 4. Strategies for Special Populations during COVID-19 Crisis, Refer to City Manager to develop and implement strategies to address the needs of populations in Berkeley who face unique challenges
This meeting list is also posted on the Sustainable Berkeley Coalition website.
http://www.sustainableberkeleycoalition.com/whats-ahead.html and in the Berkeley Daily Planet under activist’s calendar http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com